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Awareness Army

Dysautonomia International's "boots on the ground" are our wonderful Awareness Army volunteers. These dedicated people help us organize local fundraising events and educational activities, obtain press coverage to raise awareness about dysautonomia, gather support for legislative initiatives and more.

Awareness Army volunteers are the face of dysautonomia in their community. They are expected to learn the basics about dysautonomia, so they can share accurate information with others in their hometown. Brochures, web links and other materials are made available to help them have access to the most up to date information.

Awareness Army volunteers are also expected to provide a positive image and outlook for the rest of the dysautonomia community. We are not looking for people who want to whine about their symptoms or who are seeking sympathy. We all know how challenging it can be living with dysautonomia, but we think the best way to improve the situation for current and future patients is to take pro-active and positive steps to raise awareness, raise funds for more research, educate medical professionals and educate the public. We want Awareness Army volunteers who are able to inspire their family, friends and community to get involved and take action.

 Awareness Army
Awareness Army members can volunteer for a one time only event, or become a regular volunteer. There is no long term committment required, although repeat volunteers are always appreciated.

Young and old alike are encouraged to join, and you don't have to be a dysautonomia patient. We love to count friends, family and caregivers amongst our ranks! Children under 18 will need permission from a parent or guardian to participate.

Help us make dysautonomia a household word. Join the Dysautonomia International Awareness Army today!

If you are interested in volunteering for Awareness Army or if you would like more information, please fill out this online Volunteer Form. You will then be contacted by our Volunteer Coordinator who will work with you to figure out which type of volunteer project you may want to work on.

Thank you to all of our Awareness Army volunteers! Dysautonomia International could not function without them.

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